Monday, June 27, 2011

☆☆☆☆one of the history about my childhood☆☆☆☆

 Once,a 5-year-old girl(☆me☆) was drawing her lovely pictures at home which was in a flat-apartment that situated in a part of big,crowd city.In the hottest afternoon,her mom's(Lily) cell phone rang.
''Hello?''Lily picked up the call and talked with a slow and smooth voice.
''Hello? hmm..... can I speak to a girl named ''Libby''? "
''Can I know who are you first because I'm her mom''
''I'm her classmate who always sits beside her,my name is ''Matthew'' hmm.. I'm sure she knew me.I just have an important things to let her know before tomorrow comes.''
   Lily was looked like weird that a 5-year-old boy could so honest to answer her question on her phone.But however,she'd passed cell phone to Libby without having any doubt.
''Hello?who is this?can I help you?''She said like she was working as an officer.
  Lily interrupted and said:'' He's Matthew that sat beside you always.He'd sounds like he did have something important things to let you know.''
  She turned her head back to phone.
''Hello,this is Matthew,don't you remember? the one who always sits beside you.I called you because I gotta urgent things to let you know.''
''Go ahead. is it a big deal?sounds really important.''
''yeah,well, I need to help me........I hope you can borrow me your color-pencils tomorrow.No worry,I'll take care your color-pencils,plus,I'll use it right beside you.And last thing...I'll give you a kiss if you do borrow me it.......''
''yeah sure my friend.And I gonna let you know that you have to bring some papers to school because tomorrow Red-Apple teacher gonna 'command' us to do something that will definitely bring us benefits.I was forgot to let you know when we're in school.''
''okay.thanks for the notice........muah.....''
   Libby hanged up the cell phone and gave it back to Lily .She's seems like nothing happened with those words''i'll give you a kiss....''and''muah.'' that told by Matthew.
She immediately put those color-pencils and papers to her tiny-cute-winnie-the-pooh beg.

  The next morning,Lily took her little-cute daughter to kindergarten and had a goodbye kiss.She entered and the Red-Apple teacher started to teach.She left some works for her kids in class and she gotta somethings to clear up.With a quick-view by Matthew,he asked Libby did her brought the color-pencils.She took it out and gave it to him.
  The teacher came in from the back door of the classroom.Matthew thought teacher was not coming in yet ,so he kissed Libby's cheek closed to her lips.
'' thank you Libby''
'' you're welcome.'' She didn't have any reaction with the sudden kiss from him. But the kids in the class yelled and then teacher came in.She did saw everything that had done by Matthew but she didn't scold him.Instead,she caught the picture and said:'' THIS IS TOTALLY CUTE!''
'' why is the Red-Apple teacher standing there? '' she said loudly.She had no idea what had happened to her and her classmates.She continued to finish her work until done and hand it up to teacher.

It was a windy afternoon after she's going home and hugged her mom tightly.A called from the kindergarten's teacher broke her hug-time and shocked them.Lily took out her cell phone while wondering what had happened to her kid.
'' Hello,this is from the Red-Apple teacher in the kindergarten.''
'' Hello,does anything wrong with my kid? what have she done?''
'' No,nothing was wrong with your lovely-sweet daughter.I just wanna let you know that Libby's cutest kid  ever with Matthew.''
'' Huh? what did you mean,teacher?I couldn't get it.''
'' While I was away in the class,Libby gave Matthew her color-pencils.But Matthew gave Libby a cute kiss as a thank you gift.How cute is that!I was wondering why they're so close to each other and help each other.This attitude was surprised by me!I did took the pictures of them,it is cute!''
'' oh... really? lol ..... haha well this is what kids do because they're still a cute kids!''
  After about 15 minutes they talked to each other.Lily hanged up her cell phone with a big smile.She hugged again Libby and brought her to the nearest City Square shopping center to have a McDonald happy meals which was the favorite of Libby.

 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆THE END☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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