
Hi, you're entering my Tutorials page. All things below are provided with credits by myself. those are for your blog decorations and adding more fantastic badges.To help you find further and more quicker, press "Ctrl" + " F" in your keyboard and type in the keywords. For example: cursor.. it will show you and you just scroll down to the yellow color spots.DO"S :Feel free to get what you want from me.If you found out that some badges is belong to YOU, inform me immediately with your prove by commenting below.I'll distribute your work by listing your name and URL.Sometimes i don't update more tutorials than what I've here.Do respect what you've taken from here. DON'TS :do not remove any credits inside the HTML given.You'll be reported if I found out.Do not bitching out here. If you don't like my tutorials page. PLEASE GET THE HELL OUT FROM HERE. All these tutorials are given free. no fee.My site is copyright @ so, respect it. I won't stop you to get whatever you want here.as long as you're friendly. I'll treat you the same way either. Question: something's wrong? not working at your site? lose everything? etc. all questions above are answerable if you ask me.


Pixel Icons additional code and HTML       

How to get those glitter & cute stuff?
1. Go to THIS site search for what you want.
2. Click on the graphics or the glitters things/ pictures.
3.Scroll down until you see there's two red lines.
like this :Copy this HTML code to your (myspace) profile or website:
and like this : To post on Glitter-Graphics.com and forums, use this BB code:
4.Copy the code inside the box that below this line 
Copy this HTML code to your (myspace) profile or website:
5.Click "Design","Page Element" then click "Add Gadgets" search 

HTML/Javascripts and add .Copy the code and paste it in. 

6. Done!



Pixel Icons to gain followers

all you need to do in those site is type in your PROFILE ID, choose your color,which side you wanna put on and pixels.GENERATE CODE and PASTE in your HTML JAVASCRIPT. that's all, DONE!

want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text? 


Pixel Icons cursor
both of this most popular for blog users
Tinkle Bell

change any color you want (in the highlighted yellow)

change any color you want(in the highlighted yellow)

 (THIS IS FOR UNIVERSE!when you choose your cursor,you have to click on Tumblr to get code, and paste it in your "advanced" and click 'Add CSS' and paste it in! you can also download it and use it on your mouse!)

much more cursor ( for everyone!)
paste the HTML code in your HTML code box after you picked your cursor.

want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text? 

Pixel Icons Bar Banner

If you like to have one like mine. You can send me request.I'll made it for you for free :)
choice 1)
choice 2)
choice 3)
choice 4)
choice 5)
choice 6)
choice 7)
choice 8)
choice 9)
choice 10)
choice 11)
choice 12)
choice 13)
choice 14)
choice 15)
choice 16)

So,These are some examples . Many type of glitter and font.
If you want some, just submit your "GLITTER TEXT" that you want me to text in, FONT and TYPE OF GLITTER which is you can choose from above, for example :
text: De Lux Forever Alone
Font: Choice 7
Glitter:Choice 10 


Pixel Icons menu
drop down menu

change any setting on that site you want! even color!

want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text? 

Pixel Icons music player
all above music player are free! or even you can register,also free too! all you need to do is search any music you like and create a player. paste it in your HTML code box. that's all ,it's simple!

for--- YOUTUBE player
First of all, go to YOUTUBE and choose the song you want. 

Copy the URL.

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzU9OrZlKb8

Go to THIS site and paste your URL where it says URL To 

Video:. You can change some things in your player, for example, make it 

invisible and with an autoplay - you just have to select the setting you 

want. Now click Make! and it will show you a preview!

copy and paste in your HTML code box !


Pixel Icons Scroll box

Go to THIS 
site, copy the code and paste it in your HTML code box.
Change the width, the height and the background color to your liking. 

Replace “center” with “right” or “left” for those effects. Border: you 

can change the color and you can replace “solid” with “dotted” or 

“dashed”. To remove the border, replace “1px” with “0px”


Pixel Icons Favicon

 What is a favicon? How to use it in my blog?look below - -

- Food:


- Stars:

- Hearts:
- Flowers:

- Animals:

- Music:

- Ribbons & bows:


- Others:

The following favicons are credited by ego-box .
feel free to click it. It'll be downloaded all by itself to your computer

































































































































































following are NOT from egobox but still
can be downloaded byitselfifyouclickonthepixelyouwant.


1. Choose your favicon. You can find it on Google, Photobucket or 


2. copy or save any images above or you found it in another site.

3. go to Design , Layout. then you will see a Favicon on the top of 

your left hand. Click on Choose File and finally open the images you 

have sand in ,it's simple


Pixel Icons THEME 


for more layout 

1. GO to this 

2. search for more and more layout or graphics you like! even for 

Facebook BAnner!


Pixel Icons free host 
type in your HTML .it's free!click here

Pixel Icons making and putting CBOX

like my CBOX on your right-hand side

1. Go to THIS site, click Sign Up. Create your account and login 

into it.

2. How to edit your Cbox: Look & Feel > choose what

 you want to do. When you finish it, click Publish to get the code.

3. Go to . Paste the code in your description, where do

 you want it to appear.

want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text? 

Pixel Icons users online 

1. Go to THIS site and put your url in the “siteurl” box. Click “Get 

the Code!”

2. Click "Design","Page Element" then click "Add Gadgets" 

search HTML/Javascripts and add .Copy the code and paste it in. 


you like mine like this
( 1 blood suckers creepin' ) on your right-hand side.
1. Go to THIS site ,click sign up 
2. Click link code in the menu bar.
3.Add your domain name/address.Choose your font color and link test.

4. Click "Design","Page Element" then click "Add Gadgets" 

search HTML/Javascripts and add .Copy the code and paste it in. 



want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text? 


Pixel Iconsfont
How to install: choose your operating

 system - Windows :: Mac :: Linux

How to use: 

Open your Photoshot/Paint, choose a font and write whatever you 

want. Upload the image 


TinyPic/Photobucket/ImageShack, get the code and use it wherever 

you want.

1. Learning Curve

2. Sunshine In My Soul (download)

3. Jane Austen (download)

4. DJ Fancy (download)

5. AKmy Prince  (download)

6. CAC Pinafore (download)

7. Duality (download)

8. Fiolex Girls (download)

9. CK Cursive

10. Arsenale White

11. Amelie

12. English Essay 

13. Annie Use Your Telescope

14. Will&Grace

15. Caviar Dreams

16. Rawengulk

want color code? scroll down to the bottom of this page,see the rainbow text?


Text Styles

Bold Text = <b>Bold Text</b>
Italic Text = <i>Italic Text</i>
Underlined Text = <u>Underlined Text</u>
Striked-Out Text = <strike>Striked-Out Text</strike>
Sub ScriptText = <sub>Sub Script</sub> Text
Super ScriptText = <sup>Super Script</sup> Text
Typewriter Text = <tt>Typewriter Text</tt>
 To use a combination of them, eg. Bold&Italic = <b><i>Bold&Italic</i></b>
 To change the color of your text, use <font color="#color code here">.
eg: Pink Text = <font color="#FF3399">Pink Text</font>
Click here for the color codes to use for your text.
You can also use the name of a color, eg: Pink = <font color="pink">Pink</font>
 To change the size of your text, use <font size="size number here">.
eg: Sized 3 Text = <font size="3">Sized 3 Text</font>

There are 7 font sizes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 To change the font of your text, use <font face="font name here">.
eg: Georgia = <font face="Georgia">Georgia</font>
Names of popular fonts: ArialArial blackBook AntiquaCentury GothicCourier newGaramoundGeorgiaImpactLucida ConsoleMonotype CorsivaSmall FontsTahomaTimes New Roman,Trebuchet MsVerdana.
 To make your text spaced out or cramped together,
egSpaced Out (2px) = <font style="letter-spacing:2px">Spaced Out</font>
Cramped (-1px) = <font style="letter-spacing:-1px">Cramped Together</font> Change the 'px' to any number... but it's best to keep it small so the text is readable.
 To add a background color to your text, use <font style="background-color: #color code here">.
eg. Light Grey Background
= <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8">Light Grey Background</font>
To make the background color span the width of the text area, add "display: block" to the code, eg.Light Grey Wide Background= <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8; display: block">Light Grey Wide Background</font>
Centering this can look good to use as a heading, add "text-align: center" to the code, eg.Light Grey Wide Background Centered= <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8; display: block; text-align: center">Light Grey Wide Background Centered</font> Popular special characters to use in text:
♥ = &hearts;· = &middot;© = &copy;® = &reg;« = &laquo
» = &raquo;º = &ordm;™ = &trade;† = &dagger;


 To make text or images start on a new line, use "<br>"... the number of "<br>"s you use will determine the number of blank lines.
 For extra horizontal spaces between text or images, use "&nbsp;"
eg: Spaced &nbsp Out &nbsp Text = Spaced &nbsp; Out &nbsp;Text. The number of "&nbsp;"s determines the amount of space.
 To center text or images, wrap them around "<center>" tags.eg:

Centered Text
<center>Centered Text</center> To align text or images to the right, wrap them around "<p align="right">" tags. eg:
Right-Aligned Text
<p align="right">Right-Aligned Text</p>
 To align text or images to the left, wrap them around "<p align="left">" tags. eg:
Left-Aligned Text
<p align="left">Left-Aligned Text</p>
 For scrolling text or images, wrap them around "<marquee>" tags. text eg: Scrolling Text<marquee>Scrolling Text<marquee>
image eg: <marquee><img src="image url here"><marquee>
 To create bulleted lists: eg.
  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
= <ul> <li>List Item 1 <li>List Item 2 <li>List Item 3 </ul>

 To create a link, use <a href="url here">Link Name</a>
 If you want the link to open in a new window, add "target=_blank" to the code. eg. <a href="url here" target="_blank">Link Name</a> To create an "email me" link, use:
<a href="mailto:youremailaddress@whatever.com">E-mail me</a>
When this link is clicked on, it opens the person's email program with your email address already filled in the "To" field.


Go to Imageshack.us, follow the instructions to upload your image, and use the "direct link" for your image url in the following codes.

 To display an image, put the url an <img> tag,
<img src="image url here">
 To turn the image into a clickable link, wrap it in <a href="">tags,
eg.<a href="url here"><img src="image url here" border=0></a> To wrap text around an image, add align="left or right", depending on which side you want the image to be.
eg. <img src="image url here" align="left"> = image to your left


 To change the background color of the page, use:
<style> body {background-color: #color code here}</style> To apply a background image, use the code below as a reference:
<style> body { 
background-image: url ('
*image url here*');
background-repeat: repeat *
tiled background* or no-repeat*single image background*
background-attachment: fixed *
background doesn't move when page is scrolled* or scroll *background scrolls*; }</style>

eg: <style> body {
background-image: url ('image url');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-attachment: fixed; }</style>


Colored scrollbars can only be seen in Internet Explorer, those who use other browsers (eg Firefox) will see their default browser color.
Use the image below as a reference, and choose some color codes for each part of your scrollbar. The following code is for the main page scrollbar.

<style> body { 
#color code here
#color code here;
#color code here;
#color code here;
#color code here;
#color code here;
#color code here;


To add a border to text, images, or divs, use the following code as a reference.

style=" border-style: solid , dotted , dashed , double or groove(style of the line)
border-width: 1px or 2px or 3px, etc. 
(thickness of the border) 
border-color: #color code here 
(get codes here) "

Put the above code within the tag of whatever you want the border on, eg.
<img style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000" src="image url here">

Scrolling Divs

To make a div box which will scroll, use the following code, using the above scrollbar and border styles as references (or grab a premade one).

<div style="
height: 200px; *height in pixels* 
width: 100px; 
*width in pixels* 
overflow: auto; 
*this tells it to scroll* 
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;
#color code;">
Your content goes here. </div>

eg. This is a simple scrolling div with no custom scrollbar, and a 1px black border.

Your content goes here.

code = <div style="width: 200px; height: 100px; overflow: auto; border-color: #000000; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;">Your content goes here. Keep writing until the scrollbar appear... </div>

Use the following code as a reference:
<select style="
width: 200px; 
*width in pixels* 
#color code;
#color code;
font name;
font-size: 9px; ">
<option>List Item 1</option>
<option>List Item 2</option>
<option>List Item 3</option> 
<option>List Item 4</option></select>


code = <select style=" width: 200px; background-color: pink; color: #000000; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9px; "> <option>List Item 1</option> <option>List Item 2</option> <option>List Item 3</option> <option>List Item 4</option></select>
The following tutorials with the boxes above are credited by ego-box

additional tips for changing color ALL OF THE COLORS YOU WANT TO CHANGE IN ANY CODE OR BADGES ABOVE,YOU CAN FIND IT AT ANYWHERE like in your post.COPY THE WORDS,example: #FFF46F to change your color in that HTML✿✿
* Click here for more and more HTML color code! I use it every time I need it :)

Website Signs