Friday, June 24, 2011

What I always do in Internet or PC is customize everything perfectly

My mom ask me :"what are you doing every time you switch on your PC?''
this is my answer:'' that's secret....."
haha but to you(visitor) it's not a secret anymore.
You must have a question in your mind whenever you view my blog : why this girl has a lot of blog and website?! what the hell she's doing with a lot of website?does she manages all of them perfectly? to me I won't have it.......
this is it. let me start the story from here.....
 I had my own PC that my dad bought to me when I was 14 years old.I set some pics for my background over and over again.Those pics that originally in my brand new PC with a latest Window 7 were terrible and not my interest. So, I downloaded and save images through Internet,mostly from Google image.It'd taken a few weeks to me download all the pics I like. For instance,love,music,cute,animated..... 'till my Window Explorer was full of downloaded pics.It was kinda hard to choose the background and set it.After that, the first account registered by my friends' help was FACEBOOK.When I knew all the function of FAcebook

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