Tuesday, August 2, 2011

♥Kem Pusako♥

-> almost forget to update about my everything lately.ha ha ,I was kinda busy. but now I'm gonna share my experiences about Kem Pusako which was on 19 July till' 22 July 2011.

So, these was the suck and funniest camp & experience I'd ever been.It's about 80 students joined the camp and 3 1Malaysia teachers (lolz). 40 boys and 40 girls. We supposed to come to the school in the morning before going back home to prepare our luggage or backpack something Because all of the participants must be in the school waiting for the bus coming at 12 p.m. They all be able coming in the morning to study but I was not >.< my friends said I was lazy BUT I was not. ha ha . So just skip the part of why I didn't come in the morning because of some simple reason.
The first day after taking a long journey to the destination situated in the same states,almost inside a small,little village and surrounded by many jungles.It's taking about 2 hours to arrive there . :P So I was kinda excited and thinking about what was going to be happened in this fantastic camp. When we walked in the camp(it's not exactly the camp with a triangle or whatever.It's a big fantastic and full of fun places.All of us walked inside a quite big hall and got some rest or even took some nap. >.> After signing our names . WE GOTTA TAKE OFF OUR SHOES BEFORE GOING INSIDE THE HALL. We already walked like we're in night market. So the advisers introduced to us about those rules and regulation being in this camp.SAFETY FIRST the first word I saw just when I walked in this place.We just only used our ears to listen whatever they're talking about in the first day and play some little games.
The second day after we sang our national songs. We started our excitement. We're going to play somethings big and fun for me ~

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