Sunday, August 28, 2011

♔obsess about my future♔

So, basically, FUTURE this word is quite easy to those people who never think about their FUture. BUT I did obsess about it.
Definition of "future" that you'll be found in dictionary
Future ---> Noun: The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to        come.

                     Adjective: At a later time; going or likely to happen or exist: "the needs of future generations"

IT'S simple and easy to understand that but how can you get the true meaning of future? 

Obsess about future. this is the normal ,common sense to human. So I knew. 
Future.what I'm thinking about is 

 1) After my 'incoming test',What I'm going to do next? do part time job to get money?within a couple month? Am i enough money to buy all the Form 5 's revision books? Am I enough money to buy whatever I want after all?

2)After my high-school lessons,my BIGGEST EXAMINATION IN MY LIFE, What I'm going to do? searching for a suitable university for me to further my study? But I wanna go overboard.Travel while study. Am I enough money to go overboard? what about my parents?They're working hard to give me money for daily routine.So then , what if my Dream won't come true? 

3)What is my true ambition? what should I study about? It's really need a lot of money to study for making my ambition come true?Should I do part time while studying?

4)How can I fulfill my needs? I want these I want that. I want everything I've been dreamed for.Save money for buying all that? if I keep all of my money to buy all that stuffs,what about my routine?

5)What is my future husband like? blah blah blah ~ I'm not often think about what is my future husband~

So ,these are the things I often think about except 5) lolz. I think maybe you guys did the same things as I did .
I don't find any solutions for dissolving my obsession about future because I think that MAYBE I SHOULD DO WHAT I'M DOING NOW. first~

most of the people ,they think too much 'til they can't bare it anymore. So I'm gonna 






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