I'm not going to talk about what's happening today because it's the suckest day, ever.
so just keep this behavior: ENVIOUS on others.
ha ha . tomorrow I'm here again. Because I don't wanna go to school. no study, just wasting my time at school. Corporation Day, tomorrow. wtf I ain't gonna take part in it. They all selling foods, movies, something like that. And now imma gonna save my money for my future. If I go to school tomorrow, my pocket money will be completely empty. I was hoping to support my friends whom sell foods at the school tomorrow. But I can't come. I better stay home continue doing revision and doing homework. ONLINE HERE! Spend time with my family!!!
[Libby's still deciding what she wanna become in her future. That's still remains a question mark above her head whenever she's thinking about that. She's still hesitating her abilities,personalities,potential.... everything that's making her dizzy ,all the time.She's too